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Pinner Cricket Club News story

2022 League Fixtures

11 Jan 2022

This morning the Herts league released the 2022 league fixtures.
The league season starts on Saturday 7th May with the 1st XI their campaign in Division 8A against newly promoted Watford Town 3s. Life begins for the 2nd XI in 9B following a league reorg with a long trip to Reed 3s, whilst the 3rd XI travel to Bucks to play against Northwood 4s in the newly formed Regional Division 11th South. 
2022 concludes on Saturday 3rd September where the 1st XI will host St Albans 3s. The 2nd XI travel to Knebworth Park 3s and the 3rd XI travel to Hatch End 2s.

Fixtures can be found at the below links and will be uploaded to our website shortly